The ANDès (Association Nationale des Docteurs) is a national association of doctorate holders. It is governed by the French law of July 1st, 1901. It was founded in 1970 and recognised as being of public utility in 1975, it brings together doctors of all disciplines, whatever their age or professional status, whether they live in France or abroad.
The CJC (Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs) is the confederation of early-stage researchers a national and multidisciplinary association governed by the 1901 law. It gathers forty associations of doctoral candidates and non-permanently employed doctorate holders, voluntarily involved in the valorisation of the doctorate and its recognition as a professional experience.
Fiche technique
The Guide to a Doctorate in France is designed to be the best reference resource for all the actors involved in the doctoral programme, presenting the conditions, procedures, practices and advice for the organisation of the doctoral system, the conduct of a doctoral project, and the career development for doctorate holders.
This guide is a reference of practices to be promoted, occasionally cautioning against the practices to be avoided. It is part of an all-encompassing approach to the continuous improvement of practices, within the legislative and regulatory framework in force. It differs from other practical guides produced by associations, institutions or doctoral schools in that it is aimed at all those involved in the doctorate, which gives it a national and transdisciplinary scope.
Ouvrage(s) dans une thématique proche