Discover three essential books for your florist training or your love of flowers!
Ut Pictura Poesis
Conference proceedings and monographs, discover works at the crossroads of literature and aesthetics, the history of ideas and the history of art.
Nouvelles visions des sciences
Discover or rediscover the major themes that have changed or are still changing science profoundly.
Les cours Peccot
Works based on lectures given at the Collège de France by some of the brightest young mathematicians of their generation.
This is an open, multifaceted project : our aim, on the one hand, is to provide you with quality books, whether classical or modern. On the other hand, we want to make this knowledge accessible to everyone, which is why every book can be read for free online in its entirety. Over the years, this is becoming an open online library of quality works, verified, validated and published by a qualified editorial team.